PALO Digital Marketing Updates

2021 Digital Marketing Trends | PALO Creative

Written by smarsico | Dec 27, 2021 5:00:00 AM

From TikTok trends to Instagram reels – all the way down to privacy updates, 2021 was filled with new online experiences. We’re scoring this year’s pivotal digital momentsso you can discover a few fan favorites and adapt to those not so desirable.  

 Apple iOS 14.5 – 1/10

First up, we have Apple’s infamous update that had most digital marketers shaking in their boots. Apple iOS 14.5 was a monumental moment for data collection and privacy and certainly made some changes in the digital marketing realm. But look at the bright side – there are still plenty of unique capabilities marketers can take advantage of to ensure they’re meeting their goals. In fact, this was only a tiny bump in the road if we look at the big picture.  


Businesses with a holistic marketing approach shouldn’t have too much to worry about, considering there are many opportunities minimally affected. For more on the update that shook the nation, click here. 

Google Mobile-First Indexing – 3/10

Okay, this one’s not so scary if your website is mobile-friendly. We’ll give it three extra points if that’s the case. As of June 2021, mobile-first indexing became the standard for all websites. What does this mean? When Google determines how to rank your website in search results, it crawls the mobile version first. So, although your website may look great on desktop, if it hasn’t been checked on mobile, now’s the time to do so.   



Alright, let’s get to the good stuff

Google Ad Image Extensions – 7/10

For those using Google search ads to promote their business, image extensions provide a more visually appealing experience for potential customers. If your brand relies heavily on visual elements to share your message, this one’s for you. Image extensions make your ad stand out from the crowd, resulting in more clicks and, hopefully, conversions through your website. 


This feature is still a bit new, so it’s early to predict its full potential. However, we’re always optimistic about ways to improve a user’s overall advertising experience. 


TikTok for Businesses – 9/10

This is definitely a trend we can get behind. A few of our clients are already seeing the benefits of sharing fun and engaging videos on TikTok. For example, Braydich Dental, a local family dentistry, received nearly 1800 views and 195 likes on their first debut. The app is a great way to get in front of younger generations, who will soon be dominating the market. 


We strongly recommend exploring your options and finding creative ways to make your business stand out. Need some inspo? Head to our blog for five TikTok video ideas to get started. 


Account-Based Marketing – 10/10

Although the term may sound unfamiliar, this has been a tried-and-true marketing method for quite some time. It involves creating personalized marketing experiences for a set of high-value companies. And that’s just the beginning. Account-based marketing (AMB) allows you to maximize your investment by only focusing on the accounts you wish to grow or convert into new customers. By understanding the needs of these companies, you can deliver personalized messages through email, retargeting ads, geofencing and more. For businesses with a B2B model, this is a big deal. 86% of marketers with an ABM strategy said it improved closing rates significantlySomething to strongly consider in 2022 (if you haven’t already).  


What will you try in 2022?  

A new year means new opportunities and a fresh slate. We hope you consider trying something different to take your business to the next level. And we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.  

Wishing you and your business a 10/10 year.