How Messaging Can Impact Business Growth

Ever heard the phrase, “It’s not what you say but how you say it”? It’s not necessarily the words you say that leave an impression on someone; it’s more about your delivery that leave an impact. The same thing applies to the messaging you use in your business communications and content. There’s a world of a difference between engaging, thoughtful messaging and delivery that just falls flat to your customers. So, how exactly does messaging impact business growth? Let’s dive in. 

1. It creates a personal relationship between you and your audience. 

In marketing, more isn’t always better. Your goal shouldn’t be to have your product or service appeal to everyone, because that’s just not the reality of the market and consumer behavior. Instead, it’s best to zero in on who exactly your ideal customer is and work on tailoring your messages and brand to speak to them. People will listen when they feel understood, so try your best to “talk the talk” of those consumers you’re targeting to make your messaging feel authentic. If you need help figuring out who exactly your audience is, check out our blog post on how to create buyer personas for your business. 

2. It makes your brand feel more human. 

Robots have helped many businesses to complete menial tasks more efficiently, but messaging shouldn’t always be one of them. In order to be effective, messaging has to sound like it’s coming from a real human, not a robot programmed to sell. As we mentioned, people listen when they feel connected to the source of the message. Sales and marketing messages that are distributed without any thought of who they’re talking to won’t prove to be successful. 

There are many approaches to use when crafting your business’s message to consumers, but some of the most noticeable ways we see businesses communicate are through corporate messaging, brand messaging, and crisis messaging.  

Each messaging approach is different and serves a specific purpose. It’s important to use the appropriate strategy for the situation, be consistent with our messaging and be empathetic with your audience.  

3. It piques the interest of your customer and engages them. 

Express what you want consumers to know about your company, especially in terms of your unique selling proposition. What makes your brand, products and services stand out from your competitors? Why should consumers choose you over the rest? Effective messaging answers these questions for your audience. When you show a true understanding of your consumer’s problem and provide an effective solution, you create a connection built on empathy and trust that engages them with your brand. 

4. It gives you the opportunity to sell when your customer is ready to buy, not just when you’re ready to sell. 

Once you’ve connected with your audience, you can deliver a call to action that guides the consumer on what to do next. The obvious goal is to sell your product, but you’ll be far more successful doing that if you’ve built a relationship along the way. 

Understanding your target audience gives you insight into where they are in their buyer’s journey so that you know which message to deliver them according to their stage in the process. Consumers aren’t always ready to buy when you’re ready to sell. 

You can use inbound marketing to guide consumers through each stage of the buyer’s journey and direct them toward choosing your product or service. 

After some trial and error, you’ll discover the best way to communicate with your target audience. You’ll know you’ve hit the jackpot when you feel connected to your audience as you understand their problems and provide solutions. Effective and relatable messaging goes a long way in growing your business and brand when relationships and empathy are at the core. For more insight into how messaging impacts your business growth, watch Episode 23 of Gameplan for Growth.