Educate Your Audience! Why Your Business Needs to Be Blogging
So, when you hear the word “blogging,” what comes to mind?
Anyone? Bueller…Bueller (80’s movie reference you can look at in a blog)
Chances are, you’ve read a blog. Heck, you’re reading one now! The two most popular types of blogs that come to mind are food and travel related. That awesome recipe to make chicken buffalo dip; a blog. A trip exploring the hidden treasures of Paris; yep, you guessed it, a blog.
Now, how does this translate to business? Instead of talking about foodies and bucket lists, you’re sharing information about your industry and organization that people will want to read about. Business blogging is a marketing tactic that uses blogging to get your business more eyeballs online. It’s meant to support your business growth.
“How does this benefit my business?”
Okay, you’re probably asking yourself this right about now. Blogging is as important to marketing a business as the yellow pages once were and should be a staple of your marketing strategy. The benefit? Increase your brand visibility online by speaking directly to your customers and educate them, whether that’s about the industry, products and services or even personal experiences, through engaging and meaningful dialogue. There’s a reason why the word “educate” is bolded. You’re not selling. Rather, educating is far more powerful, trustworthy and relevant to website visitors. You’re investing in them and their interests. Plus, this helps establish your business as an expert source in the industry and exhibits a commitment to prospects and customers.
Share Your Passion
You’re great at what you do, and your business is thriving because of it. Being passionate about something, whether it’s about your job, a skillset or just wanting to help people is highly contagious. It’s what makes you stand out from everyone else. By translating your passion and drive into blog content shows you are human, and people like to do business with humans. In addition, you create a virtual face-to-face interaction with readers via comments or emails that can’t be reenacted through any other web page.
Okay Google…
A big, if not the biggest way your website can be located today, is through search engines. How do rank good, better or even best? Content! The more the merrier. However, throwing up a spontaneous web page with random content is a big no-no and results in a bad user experience. That’s where business blogging comes in. Every time you upload a new blog post onto your website, you’re creating a new web page that’s neatly housed under your blog. With each new post, you’re creating one more opportunity for your website to rank in search and appear for the queries people are entering into search engines. Plus, someone will surely be a rockstar and share that awesome blog article on social media, introducing it to a whole new set of eyeballs.
What’s the catch?
Blog content does not just appear out of thin air. It takes some elbow grease to perfect the voice of your business. This involves having a steady stream of ideas and topics relevant and important to your customers. But, perhaps the biggest obstacle of them all is having the time to create new content and update the blog on a consistent basis. The solution? Well, you can designate a team member to create and manage your blog, or you can look outside and seek the help of a marketing agency. Agencies offer creative services to develop blog content that’s recognizable and makes sense for your audience, plus fun to read! The goal here is you want readers returning for more content and bringing their friends along too. By increasing engagement with your audience, the odds are in your favor they’ll buy from you when it comes time to make a purchase.
Hence, blogs are an efficient and important way to deliver information to live on the web for people to gobble up. You’re the author of a powerful story that never really ends, resulting in a magnificent library of information and knowledge associated with you and your business. Powerful writing with great messaging is the formula to get people to your website and increase the likelihood for conversions. It’s well worth the read.
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