Managing Your Blog Better

If you are struggling to streamline your blog, you are not alone. Posting directly to your blog can be troublesome and it is difficult to manage your library of posts once they are online. Entering articles directly into your site forces you to use the not always friendly WYSIWYG editor. It also forces you to be online, and if you are typing your blog on your laptop or desktop computer there are times when you will be offline. Worse than that, you could be halfway through typing your blog when you suddenly lose your Internet connection and possibly your work. You do not want your best idea ever to get lost in the black hole of lost bits.

One solution to managing your articles and blog posts is to type it out the ‘old fashioned’ way using a word processor. Over the years, Microsoft Word has been my ‘go to’ word processor and I like the fact that I can save and organize the articles on my laptop. By storing the drafts locally, I don’t have to publish the information online and potentially clutter up my WordPress site. Those half-written bits of wisdom can live on my laptop to be re-written or re-hashed another day. Friendly advice: Don’t forget to back up your work or use a cloud backup service.

Here’s a quick video tutorial to show you how to publish directly to your blog using Word.



Blog post by Jim Komara, PALO Creative, Digital Media Manager